Woman Saves Dog Who Was Thrown in River With Anchor Around His Neck

She saves dog thrown in river (Video)

You never quite know what is going to happen when you are out for a pleasant drive during the day. When Audra Petraškienė was driving along the river in Lithuania near her home, she saw something along the roadside that grabbed her attention. It was a dog looking very scared and unhappy. He was soaking wet, shivering and all alone. The compassionate woman decided to stop her car to check whether the puppy was alright. When she got out of her car to take a closer look, she noticed something absolutely heartbreaking.

The little pup had a large metal anchor around his neck. It looked like someone had attempted to drown the poor puppy. Audra, says she began crying on the spot. What kind of monster would do this to a poor, defenseless creature? “I was shocked. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry,” said Audra. “I realized I have to do something immediately.” The kindhearted woman took the dog home, cleaned him up and took him to a vet and luckily, the poor puppy appeared to be in good health. “He looked like a kind and helpless dog” she lovingly described him. The vet said that the anchor weighed over 13 pounds!

Intentionally thrown into the river

The local animal shelter, Cherry Garden, took over the care of this pup. Shelter director, Monika Mužaitė, said it appeared someone had tried to kill the dog “in the most extreme way.” He called it a “sadistic” act of cruelty. Audra decided to inform the police about the incident. They found the dogs original owner, who sad that their dog, Toriuk, disappeared recently and that they suspected it was a neighbor who worked with the same material that the anchor had been made from. The dog will remain in the shelter’s care until the matter is resolved by police. Watch the video, he had a guardian angel looking out for him. Hopefully, whoever did this gets caught!

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