Woman Shares Spooky Security Footage of ‘Ghost’ Removing Dog’s Collar

Freaky security footage of ‘ghost’ removing dog’s collar (Video)

A viral surveillance video is freaking out millions of people online, after a woman shared it as evidence that a “ghost” had taken her dog’s collar off. The video posted on the social media by shannyfantg shows two dogs, each in their own crate, barking inside their living room.

She shared in a statement that the dogs only spend time in the crates while their owner is working and are only crated for up to two hours a day. A few seconds into the video, the barking ceases, and the black dog in the crate at the center of the shot appears to be pulled backward by an unseen force into the corner of the crate and has its collar taken off.

Real or not, the dog definitely looks freaked out!

“Sorry for the obnoxious barking at the beginning. Watch my black dog. Ghost takes her collar off in her crate,” shannyfantg captioned the spooky clip, which now has over 16.3 million views. They continue to do this non-stop, until about 25 seconds into the footage, when the animals fall completely quiet – and stand alert for some time. One person said: “I’ve never seen such a convincing ghost video.” Another wrote: “They both got super quiet… they felt the energy.” A third commented: “The silence was unsettling.” Watch the video, the black dog, which is in the cage on the right, starts whimpering and suddenly rears back into the cage as far as it can, when its collar randomly falls off.

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