Woman Viciously Throws Helpless Puppy At A Man – He Refuses To Give It Back

She throws the puppy at him (Video)

When everyone has a video-capable device on them at all times, we end up seeing a lot of insane things captured on film. Another bizarre incident has just gone viral. A man posted a video that showed a woman holding a puppy and preventing him from getting back into his car. The video shows an angry, hardly coherent woman harassing him. Throughout the video, the woman escalates from verbal attacks and racial slurs to physical assault.

As the woman walked towards him in the middle of the street, she began telling him that “he’s black” and became more and more confrontational. The entire time she attempts to assault the driver, the woman holds a small Malinois mix under her arm. It is presumed that she could have been under the influence of alcohol or some other kind of medication. She can be heard rambling on at the man and goes on to even insult his family and his race as she blocks his path to his car, while still holding the dog.

She became more and more confrontational

Finally, when the man asks if the puppy she is holding belongs to her, she hurls the dog at him with no warning. She violently threw the pup at him, obviously hurting the poor puppy. The man immediately checked to see if the puppy was alright. And if that wasn’t enough, she then goes on to accuse the man of stealing her puppy. Thankfully, the pup is doing fine at the moment and is being kept safe and away from her abuser. Watch the video, the good news is, the man kept the dog!

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