This Woman Can’t Decide Which Dog To Adopt So She Buys The Entire Shelter

She buys all the shelter (Video)

Choosing which dog to adopt from a shelter is hard for anybody. But it was particularly hard for Danielle Eden when she visited a dog shelter in Israel. All of the animals were in such desperate need of rescuing that she didn’t know which one to pick. So she picked them all. All 250 of them! Eden is no stranger to animal adoption. She’s co-founder of Dog Tales Rescue and Sanctuary, an animal rescue center in Ontario. Opened in 2014, the shelter focuses on rehabilitating elderly, abused, and disabled dogs that are usually the last to find homes. The facility is located on 50 acres and features walking trails, large fenced-in paddocks, and therapy pools for the dogs. The dogs are also walked eight times a day.

“Danielle and Rob have four dogs of their own who they found on the street in Israel,”said Clare Forndran, Dog Tales’ media specialist. “Since they’re both from Israel, they love rescuing dogs from this place that holds significance for them.” But Danielle Eden has saved dogs from appalling conditions from all corners of the globe. But this time, it was the worst shelter she’d ever seen. She wasn’t prepared for what awaited her, 250 dogs were living in a rat-infested space and squeezed into a space designed for just 70. “Dogs were literally fighting over a loaf of bread,”said Clare Forndran. “There were more rats than dogs.” The animals were filthy and fighting over scraps of food. Every last dog was in desperate straits. They were all living in abject misery.

A rescue of 250 dogs!

Faced with such a dilemma, there was only one solution: she bought the entire shelter! Since then she’s managed to relocate 90 dogs within Israel and another 25 have been taken to her sanctuary in Ontario. And 150 remain. But that shelter is undergoing a transformation thanks to a team in Israel assigned the task of making it habitable, while veterinarians administer to the animals’ immediate health concerns. The goal is to bring all of the remaining dogs to Canada. If dog’s are a man’s best friend then Danielle Eden is certainly a dog’s best friend. Watch the video, when Danielle arrives at the shelter… it’s an incredible story full of love!

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