Mom Surprised Her Kids Arriving From School With Their Dog Who Was Missing For Months

Touching surprise (Video)

Stephanie McMillan, her husband and children have several dogs, including Roxy, a young Pitbull female. Unfortunately, Roxy went missing from her yard, and her entire family was devastated. We didn’t know if she got loose off her line or if someone came in the gate and took her,” said Stephanie McMillan, Roxy’s mom. “It was awful.” McMillan’s kids were heartbroken that Roxy was suddenly gone, and the family drove around together calling her name, hoping that somehow they would find her — but they never did. 

They looked for her everywhere but she was really gone — and it felt like she was never coming back. Stephanie’s kids were also very sad about Roxy’s absence. But two months later, Stephanie had found a cat and wanted to check if she was lost and had an owner looking for her. She was checking a list of lost pets posted on a Facebook page when suddenly, Roxy’s face suddenly popped up on her screen. She couldn’t believe it. Stephanie sent the photos to her husband to verify if it really was Roxy. After confirming the picture together, they immediately messaged the woman who made the post and waited patiently for the response.

Happy reunion

It was the longest hour and a half of their lives! When the woman finally responded, they agreed to have Roxy brought back home. Roxy seemed nervous when she first returned home, but as soon as she sniffed her mom she went absolutely nuts, licking her and kissing her endlessly. She greeted all her dog siblings with glee, and everyone anxiously waited for the kids to get home so they could see the big surprise. Watch the video, they cried and hugged each other as Roxy ran from kid to kid, overjoyed to be home with her family. 

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