Golden Retriever Thrilled to Meet His New Puppy Brothers in Viral Video

Golden Retriever saw the puppy for the first time (Video)

In this video, we meet our friend Finn, a Golden Retriever, sitting at the front door of the house, excitedly watching as a man cradling a puppy approaches. The man drops down to a knee on the other side of the glass door—an excellent way to introduce two dogs—so Finn can get a better look at his new brother. But Finn had never been around puppies before, and his owner was concerned he’d be jealous that he was no longer the baby in the family. Thankfully, he soon found his fears were totally unfounded.

I wish I could be as excited about anything as this golden retriever is upon meeting his two new puppy brothers. The elation ramps up as the puppy—also a golden—enters the home. Finn circles the human with a wagging tail and even rises up on his hind legs to investigate his new brother. The man lowers the puppy down to Finn’s level again, allowing them to sniff each other. Joyously satisfied he has a new friend, Finn retrieves a toy for them to share. Gah, it’s too much. That video has so far earned a staggering more than 5 million views, but Finn was only just getting to know his new siblings. 

It really melted my heart, it was so sweet

In other video our guy got to meet both his new golden puppy brothers—Sully and Gus, who I think met Finn in the first video. This video is shorter, but Finn is just as thrilled to see them both. Meanwhile, both the puppies exchange playful paws and nuzzles while they’re still in human arms—perhaps remembering their earlier cuddle session. Watch the video, the three of them together is so precious and heartwarming, they are the best of buds and it is so amazing to watch the three of them every day.

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