Man Stick A Middle Finger Up At A Monkey – He NEVER Should Have Done That!

He NEVER should have done that! (Video)

Looks like he picked the wrong monkey to mess with. A young man learned the hard way not to disrespect animals. It’s never a good idea to get an animal on your bad side. They will resort to any means necessary to remove the antagonizing source, whether it’s with their teeth, claws, or using scare tactics. But one man didn’t expect that he would be attacked from a simple gesture. Footage from a security camera shows the young man in Shimla, India, giving the finger to one of the area’s famously belligerent monkeys. And as you might expect, the monkey is having none of it.

Shimla’s monkeys are known to cause problems for both tourists and locals visiting the Jakhoo temple, which is dedicated to the monkey god Hanuman. “The monkeys of Shimla are not pleasant animals, they roam around in gangs looking for the opportunity to rob tourists of their food or any other item which catches their eyes,” the Shimla India Guide website says. The monkeys are mostly after food, but the website says they are also known to take cameras and wallets. In this case, however, the monkey was apparently provoked.

Instant karma!

As you can see on the video, the boy looks straight into the eyes of this monkey who is sitting near a bench, where other people are also seated and provokes the animal by showing middle finger. The young man is clearly a bit shocked by the event, but appears fine as he gets up and walks it off. Maybe next time, he’ll be more polite with an animal, unless he wants to suffer the same fate again! Watch the video, the monkey’s reaction is impressive!

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