After Weeks Apart, Lost Dog Reunites With Owner – Heartwarming Reunion

Heartwarming reunion (Video)

He might not have much in terms of material possessions, but Anthony Rogers‘ life is clearly rich with love. Rogers is an artist who is currently homeless in the Memphis area. Though homeless and struggling, he’s not without a loyal companion by his side — a pup named Bobo. Rogers always ensures the dog is never left wanting, but a few weeks ago, Rogers woke up and found himself alone. Bobo had gone missing, sparking a desperate search. Anthony looked for the dog, for days but couldn’t find him anywhere. He made flyers in hopes someone would spot Bobo, his dear dog whom he feared he might never see again.

It had been weeks since Anthony Rogers last saw his beloved dog. But then, when he had accepted his fate, something miraculous happened. An employee at Memphis Animal Services who’d seen the flyers noticed a newly-arrived pup looked like the missing dog. Could this really be Bobo? When Rogers arrived to check, their heartfelt reunion erased any doubt. “Bobo could not contain his happiness at seeing his dad again,” said Katie Pemberton, spokesperson for the shelter. “I think we all felt really lucky to be able to witness it. Working in animal sheltering can be very difficult emotionally, so seeing something so happy is like gas in the tank for us.”

They couldn’t have been happier to be together again

Hopefully, Rogers will now be able to get the help he needs, but in the meantime his new friends are ensuring his dog is taken care of, too. “Bobo got neutered, microchipped and vaccinated, and we found out he was heartworm negative. We sent him back to Anthony with a year’s supply of dog medicine and a bag of dog food. Bobo will also be rocking some new accessories, including a harness, leash, collar and tag” wrote Memphis Animal Services. All you need is a dog’s loyalty in this world. Watch the video, it’s a real tearjerker!

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