These bikers shut down a highway to save a runaway dog

Tense moments on a highway

According to the video description this small dog jumped out of a moving car on a busy highway. What happened next was not what you might expect. A group of passing bikers stopped all the traffic and made it their mission to catch the scared little dog and make sure that he was returned to his terrified owner.

It’s not smart to stop traffic for any reason, and in many places it’s against the law to do what these bikers did, but it sure is heartwarming to see these men running around to help this little guy. I’m glad that nobody was hurt and no traffic accidents were caused. It makes a strong argument for pet safety seat belts, which could have prevented a crisis like this from ever happening.

My heart skipped a beat when the scared dog makes a dash for the other side of the highway!

Share their brave actions with your friends and family.


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