Dog Falls Into The Water Struggling To Stay Afloat – Owner Rushes To Save His Pet

Man jumps into a hot tub to rescue his dog

People often say dog is man’s best friend, but undoubtedly, there are millions of owners who would class them more than just a friend – they’re part of the family. And for many of us, when it comes to family, we’d do anything for them – and if it came to saving their life – we’d do anything we could to help. I have a dog, I speak from experience. The lengths we go to save our favorite companions are extreme. I, personally, would do anything in my power to save my dog. Why? Because I know she would do the same for me. Even if she cannot talk and tell me how she feels, she expresses her love to me in other ways. Like when she wiggles her tail a little too hard upon seeing me when I get home.

So, what I am about to introduce to you is the story of Bernard Williams and his French bulldogs, Lola and Adela. Bernard jogs around his pool at home in Bakersfield, California, every single day. And usually without any incidents. However, this morning  was a just a little bit different. While jogging around his pool, Bernard noticed that one of his dogs has slipped and fallen into the hot tub. Upon noticing what happened, Bernard doesn’t hesitate for a single moment as he dives in to save his pup.

The dog struggles to stay afloat

CCTV footage captures the moment when six-month Adela falls into the tub, she struggles to stay afloat and is about to drown. But, luckily, her owner makes a quick u-turn and rushes straight into the water to lift her to safer ground. After he gets a hold of her, he gently rubs her back and makes sure she is okay, before getting out of the water. Adela, feeling safe and sound now out of the water, shakes herself off from her fall and then begins to mess around with Lola in the backyard. Watch the video, the man doesn’t hesitate for a single moment as he dives in to save his pup!

This is the heart-stopping moment a dog owner jumps into a backyard pool to rescue his puppy.


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