Dog survived two weeks at the bottom of a well, neighbors heard him crying

They heard him crying

The owners feared the worst after their Cocker Spaniel, named Bobby, vanished for two weeks. He had been on a walk with one of his humans’ friends when he simply disappeared from a nearby field. “After he was gone for a week we thought we would be looking for a dead dog caught in a snare or that someone had taken him.

They searched the field multiple times for Bobby and posted notices around the village and on social media with no luck, until neighbors heard “heartrending cries” from a well not far from their home. Lying 82 feet down was Bobby, hungry and dehydrated. They lowered food and water into the hole, saying, “He drank the water and ate the food and fell asleep. He was moving around.” They alerted the Norfolk Urban Search and Rescue team, who helped lower one of their members to retrieve the tired pup. As Bobby emerged, his humans were beside themselves with joy—and all he could do was appreciatively wag his tail.



“That is one very happy, lucky dog,” said Ali Cargill. “It is just extraordinary.” Adrian Phillips commented that the outcome was just “miraculous,” and he and his wife are thrilled to have their dog back and safe. Bobby received lots of treats and cuddles for his homecoming, and his family will ensure he’s back to his old self in no time.


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