Dog Who Spent Whole Life Chained Cries When He’s Finally Freed – Heartwarming Rescue

Heartwarming rescue (Video)

Tragically, it’s evidently clear that not everyone is suited to be an animal owner. This was the case for a poor dog named Maria. The owners of this poor pooch actually only got her to guard the home, but they had absolutely no good intentions for her own wellbeing. Maria didn’t go on walks. She didn’t receive any love and the worst part of all: she was chained to a wall. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see any animal in dire situations like this, and Maria has known this for basically her entire life.

Thankfully, there are still caring people in the world. Luckily, the animal organization Let’s Adopt! International (LAI) heard about Maria’s story, and they decided to investigate. Viktor’s seen terrible things in his career. This was one of the worst cases of abuse he’d ever witnessed. Without hesitation, Viktor and his team went to the tipped location and couldn’t believe their eyes. Maria, a Fox Terrier who has understandably lost her smile, was completely chained to an outdoor wall. Viktor even had the chance to talk with the owners, but he got understandably upset when they told him that they never even bothered to give the pup a name. That’s also when they heard that the four-footer actually never knew freedom, and has been chained up ever since she was a small puppy next to the family’s metal junkpile.

No dog should have to live like this

The team was very surprised that they were actually able to approach the poor and mistreated pup with completely matted fur, who seemed friendly toward the whole process. She was in bad shape and even had a huge tumor. It was on her rear, and the poor thing couldn’t even sit properly because it hurt too much. The rescuers didn’t hesitate and immediately cut off her chain and took her with them. They also gave her something she should’ve had from the beginning: a beautiful name, Maria. Everyone headed to a nearby animal hospital for a full medical check-up, which was certainly needed in this case. Surgery was needed in order to remove the numerous tumors present on her body, and Maria had to spend some time in the ICU. Watch the video, the dog’s reaction was enough to break people’s hearts.

Luckily, the surgery at the hospital went well. Maria was taken care of by LAI while they were waiting for an interested family to adopt her.


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