They heard moaning in a sewage tank, it’s a heartbreaking discovery!

They made a heartbreaking discovery

When people in India heard strange noises coming from a sewage tank, they knew something was wrong. They immediately contacted Animal Aid Unlimited, which is a rescue organization in India. Once crews arrived, they heard moaning noises coming from the sewer.

Upon taking a closer look, they made a heartbreaking discovery– a little puppy was stuck inside the tank and appeared to be drowning. On the video, you can see that the adorable dog could barely keep his head above water, and his moans were cries for help. Thankfully, the rescue crew got there just in time, but they had to act fast unless the puppy would drown. The puppy was very weak at first after being in the sewer for who knows how long… but after only a few days he started to recover. After warming up and getting food and IV fluids, he began to walk around. The rescue team discovered the pup was very afraid of people, but with some treats and love, he began to recover emotionally…



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