This Gorilla Received A Box Full Of Kittens – Her Reaction Is So ADORABLE!

Her reaction is so adorable! (Video)

Koko lives in at the Gorilla Foundation in Redwood City, California, with her trainer Francine Patterson. When Koko the gorilla turned 44, her trainer knew that she wanted to do something truly special for her. She had always loved playing with baby dolls, and clearly longed for some babies to take care of. Sadly, gorilla babies are hard to come by and this gorilla will likely never be a mother. What the trainers gave her instead will truly put a smile on your face! Because no one can resist a box full of kittens — not even a gorilla.

According to Patterson, Koko can understand 2,000 English words and communicates with her trainers using over 1,000 “Gorilla Sign Language” signs. Which corresponds to the vocabulary of a child of 3 years. Koko loves babies and kittens. She received her first cat “All Ball” after signing that she wanted a cat, and being unsatisfied with a toy one, back in 1984. When Koko learned that All Ball had died, she cried, and signed “Sleep cat.” For her 44th birthday, Francine arranged for Koko to spend some time with a box full of kittens. An adorable surprise! When she picks one of the little darlings up, you can see that she is so very pleased to have something to look after.

This is the cutest thing, ever!

In a fascinating, humbling and obscenely adorable video, we see Koko play with the litter. But what really made the birthday special for Koko was that she was allowed to keep two of the kittens, Ms. Gray (the one on her head) and Ms. Black. The rest were adopted by humans. “With Koko’s new kitten adoptions, she couldn’t be happier,” the organization wrote in a newsletter. It was love at first sight! “She is signing more than ever.” Today all three live together as a small family. The video has been viewed more than 10 million times! It’s a really beautiful moment, Watch the video and see how the gorilla reacts when she receives the box! 

At one point, Koko uses her sign language to ask that a kitten be placed on her head.

However, not everyone supports the idea of gorillas being held in captivity, and some have questioned Koko’s treatment specifically. Her diet and overall quality of care have drawn criticism, though the foundations say its choices are approved by a veterinarian. 

Watch the video below:

Koko had a gray kitten named All Ball. When All Ball got outside of the cage and was hit by a car just six months later, Koko grieved by using the signs for “cry,” “frown,” “sad” and “trouble.” 


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