Toddler Comforts Her Dog During a Thunderstorm – The Baby’s Reaction Is Priceless

Baby’s reaction is adorable (Video)

Finding a dog scared of thunderstorms is not all that uncommon. Bright flashes of lightning, loud booms of thunder, not to mention changes in barometric pressure can really take their toll on our poor pooches. There’s even a theory that dogs experience painful shocks from static buildup before a storm. But whatever the cause, it’s heartbreaking to watch our fur-babies cower in fear and anxiety while a storm is raging. And this tiny tot certainly agrees!

In a heartwarming video shared on Social Media, a dog scared of a thunderstorm got the best medicine from his tiny human. When a storm swept through, it sent this poor dog to the laundry room, cowering in fear. And the toddler of the house knew just what to do! A sweet, little boy in nothing but a diaper is seen comforting and encouraging his terrified furry friend. He strokes the pup’s head and speaks calmly to him in that classic toddler jibberish. He hugs and holds his pal, just to let him know he’s not alone.

Baby comforts his furry friend

This world certainly needs more of this kind of heartfelt compassion! And in return, the dog scared of a thunderstorm rewards the little boy with loving licks of appreciation. At the heart of this video is such an important principle — love others. And seeing such a tiny boy live out this simple truth is so powerful! Watch the video, life can get pretty scary. And we all need to be comforted from time to time.

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