This Girl Decides To Kick A Sleeping Dog – The Dog Gets His Revenge

The dog gets his revenge (Video)

After a stressful week, there is nothing better than to go to the beach and enjoy a little sun while lying on the sand near the seashore. Too bad that sometimes young members of the family do not understand that maybe even their pet dog would also like to rest and enjoy some peace and quiet! Ahhhh the patience of dogs!!  Many dogs are notoriously patient when it comes to playing with kids.  Young kids can be pesky; pulling on ears, riding them like a pony, constant petting that gets annoying, screeching  and in the case of this little girl, pushing with her foot.

In any case, for sure the young girl in this video will remember what happened when she disturbed her dog and tried to force him to play with her while he was trying to get some sleep … Laying on the beach in the sand with her two boxer pals, this young girl (who appears to be six or seven), keeps pushing her foot into the belly of one of the dogs.  He just lays there and takes it, until her pushy foot may have become too “pushy”!  This was captured on video, squirmy girl persisted.

Instant Karma

Many dogs won’t retaliate to annoying children, but this dog enacted the perfect revenge on a girl repeatedly kicking it in the stomach. What happens next is hysterically funny. The dog has had enough and starts doing a typical dog thing that stopped the girl’s foot from nudging him in the stomach. I don’t think she meant any harm, but may not have realized that her belly pushing may have felt like a kick!  She was definitely taught a lesson by her pup, that she won’t forget! Watch this laugh-out-loud footage to see her reaction.

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