Puppy is Rescued From a Wild Monkey That Kidnapped And Held Him Hostage For 3 Days

Puppy is rescued from a wild monkey (Video)

The tiny black and white pup, named Saru, is believed to have been a stray belonging to a litter in the neighbourhood of Taman Lestari Putra, where it was snatched. Residents eventually spotted the hostage situation and gathered under the post to assess the situation. Onlooker Cherry Lew Yee Lee said: “The puppy looked tired and weary but the monkey did not seem to hurt it. It looked like it was treating the puppy as a friend or its baby, it was very strange.”

After grabbing the tiny dog, the wild monkey fled to the top of an electricity post while onlookers gathered on the street below. Locals claimed the monkey was part of a gang known to steal food from houses, and after seeing Saru fall victim to the monkey’s thieving habits, residents have started to suspect they are also responsible for the disappearance of other missing cats and dogs in the area. Concerned members of the public tried for three days to rescue Saru. Their efforts proved futile as the monkey kept running away along electricity lines, but it soon returned to find food while clutching the dog in its arms. On the third day of the dog-napping, residents managed to scare the monkey by pelting it with small rocks and wood until it dropped the puppy into bushes below and made an escape into nearby trees.

Residents managed to scare the monkey

After feeding the lucky pup, they checked it for injuries, and determined that it was recovering well following the ordeal. Saru has since been adopted by a local and is currently settling into its new home. Neither the dog, the monkey or any locals were reported as having been hurt during the incident, with the pup now said to be settling into its new home. It is thought the puppy was snatched from a litter of a stray dog in the neighbourhood, so Saru has now been adopted and is settling well into her new home. Watch the video, the locals can be seen saving the puppy after several days.

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